業績リスト ( Paper List )
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学術論文 ( Journal Paper ) 査読制度あり

  1. Masato Nakayama, Kota Nakahashi, Yukoh Wakabayashi and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Surround Sensation Index Based on Differential S-IACF for Listener Envelopment with Multiple Sound Sources,'' Journal of Communication and Computer, Vol. 14, pp. 122-128, Mar. 2017. doi:10.17265/1548-7709/2017.03.003
  2. 本多 進哉, 篠原 寿広, 上保 徹志, 中山 雅人, 中迫 昇, "音声を音源とした雑音環境下の音源距離推定(実および疑似観測信号間のクロススペクトルと同期加算の導入)," 電子情報通信学会論文誌 A, Vol.J100-A, No.7, pp.-, Jul. 2017.(Accepted)
  3. 伊藤 瑠美, 若林 佑幸, 福森 隆寛, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, "能動騒音制御と聴覚マスキングに基づく工場騒音の不快感低減," 日本音響学会誌, Vol.73, No.4, pp.226-229, 2017.
  4. 小森 慎也, 生藤 大典, 福森 隆寛, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, ``曲面型パラメトリックスピーカを用いた壁面移動音像の構築,'' 電子情報通信学会論文誌 A, 研究速報, Vol.J99-A, No.11, pp.426-429, Nov. 2016.
  5. 本多 進哉, 中迫 昇, 篠原 寿広, 上保 徹志, 中山 雅人, ``1ch マイクロホンの観測信号と擬似観測信号間のクロススペクトルを用いた位相干渉に基づく音源距離推定,'' 電気学会論文誌 C, Vol. 136, No. 11, pp.1525-1531, Nov. 2016.
  6. 英 慎平, 中迫 昇, 中山 雅人, 篠原 寿広, 上保 徹志, ``干渉に基づく音響測距法とフレーム処理を用いた等速移動体の距離と速度の推定法,'' システム制御情報学会論文誌, Vol.29, No.5, pp.216-224, May 2016.
  7. 小辺 亮介, 生藤 大典, 福森 隆寛, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, ``パラメトリックアレースピーカを用いたキャリア波と複数側帯波の独立遅延制御による近距離音響再生,'' 電子情報通信学会論文誌 A , Vol.J99-A, No.6, pp.201-210, Jun. 2016.
  8. 若林 佑幸, 井上 昂治, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, 山下 洋一, 吉本 廣雅, 河原 達也, ``視聴覚情報の統合に基づく音源数推定と話者ダイアライゼーション,'' 電子情報通信学会論文誌 D, Vol.J99-D, No.3, pp.326-336, Mar. 2016.
  9. 大塩 祥剛, 生藤 大典, 須原 裕子, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, ``時間・周波数領域和音構造付与に基づく歯科治療音の快音化,'' 電気学会論文誌 C, Vol.135-C, No.12, pp.1565-1573, Dec. 2015.
  10. 福森 隆寛,吉元 直輝,中野 皓太,中山 雅人,西浦 敬信,山下 洋一,``日本無形文化財のインタラクティブ音場体験システムの開発,'' 日本音響学会誌, Vol.71, No.11, pp.590-598, Nov. 2015.
  11. 鈴木 和博,中迫 昇,中山 雅人,篠原 寿広,上保 徹志,``位相干渉と直流成分の除去に基づく0mから計測可能な2ch音響測距法,'' 電気学会論文誌 C, Vol.135-C, No.11, pp.1349-1350, Nov. 2015.
  12. 小森 慎也, 益永 翔平, 生藤 大典, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信,``フレキシブルパラメトリックスピーカを用いたオーディオスポットの制御,'' 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌, Vol.20, No.3, pp.189-198, Sept. 2015.
  13. 三宅 亮太, 福森 隆寛, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, ``連の検定に基づく雑音環境適応型重み付き反復スペクトル減算,'' 電子情報通信学会論文誌 D, Vol.J98-D, No.6, pp.1063-1067, Jun. 2015.
  14. 福森隆寛, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, 山下 洋一, ``PESQと室内音響指標を用いた雑音・残響指標NRSR-PDnに基づく雑音・残響下音声認識性能の予測,'' 電子情報通信学会論文誌 D, Vol. J98-D, No. 3 pp. 343-352, Mar. 2015.
  15. 林田 亘平, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, 山下 洋一, 堀内 俊治, 加藤 恒夫, ``音声の線形予測残差の尖度に基づく近接/遠隔話者の判別,'' 電子情報通信学会論文誌 A, Vol.J98-A, No.2, pp.190-199, Feb. 2015.
  16. 中迫 昇,英 慎平,篠原 寿広,中山 雅人,上保 徹志, ``リニアチャープ音の干渉に基づく音響測距法 -雑音環境下における性能評価と雑音対策の試み-,'' 電気学会論文C, Vol.134 No.11, pp.1626-1627, Nov. 2014.
  17. 松井 唯, 生藤 大典, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, ``キャリア波と側帯波の分離放射によるオーディオスポット形成,'' 電子情報通信学会論文誌 A, Vol.J97-A, No.4, pp.304-312, Apr. 2014.
  18. 中野 皓太, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, 山下 洋一, ``WE-FDTDを用いたセミトランスオーラル方式に基づく3次元音場再現手法,'' 電子情報通信学会論文誌 A, Vol.J97-A, No.4, pp.295-303, Apr. 2014.
  19. 鈴木 和博,中迫 昇,中山 雅人,篠原 寿広,上保 徹志,福島 学,``クロススペクトル法を用いた位相干渉に基づく音響測距法による対象物位置推定,'' 電子情報通信学会論文誌 A, Vol.J97-A, No.4, pp.343-346, Apr. 2014.
  20. 林田 亘平, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, 山下 洋一, ``空間・周波数領域多重解像度走査に基づく実時間近接音源位置推定,'' 電気学会論文誌 C, Vol.133-C, No.12, pp.2211-2218, 2013.
  21. 三宅 亮太, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, ``マイクロホンアレーを用いた送信波と反射波の位相干渉に基づく音響イメージング,'' 電気学会論文誌 C, Vol.131-C, No.11, pp.2014-2020, Nov. 2013.
  22. 伊藤 仁一, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, 木村 朝子, 柴田 史久, 田村 秀行, ``X-Media Galaxy における移動音像実現のための音像補間,'' 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 Vol.18, No.3, pp.405-414, Sept. 2013.
  23. 生藤 大典, 辻川 美沙貴, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, ``聴覚マスキングに基づく室内騒音の不快感低減手法,'' 電子情報通信学会論文誌 A, Vol.J96-A, No.8, pp.511-519, Aug. 2013.
  24. 林田 亘平, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, 山下 洋一, Rock Ishii, Yutaka Kabeshita, Nick Leech, ``打撃音を考慮したゴルフボール開発のための快適音印象の分析と打撃音と物理特性の関連分析,'' 電子情報通信学会論文誌 A, Vol.J96-A, No.8, pp.520-528, Aug. 2013.
  25. 倉谷 泰弘, 林田 亘平, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, ``ブラインドインパルス応答推定に基づく高残響下音源位置推定法,'' 電子情報通信学会論文誌 D, Vol.J96-D, No.6, pp.1526-1535, Jun. 2013.
  26. Masato Nakayama, Noboru Nakasako, Tetsuji Uebo and Manabu Fukushima, ``Acoustic distance measurement method based on phase interference using the cross-spectral method,'' Acoustical Science and Technology, Vol.34, No.3, pp.197-205, May 2013.
  27. 生藤 大典, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, ``パラメトリックスピーカのためのスペクトル包絡に基づく復調評価指標の策定,'' 電子情報通信学会論文誌 D, Vol.J96-D, No.3, pp.655-663, Mar. 2013.
  28. 堀井 圭祐, 福森 隆寛, 森勢 将雅, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, 山下 洋一, 南條 浩輝, ``雑音下音声受音におけるWeighted反復スペクトル減算法を用いたミュージカルノイズの低減,'' 電子情報通信学会論文誌 D, Vol.J96-D, No.3, pp.664-674, Mar. 2013.
  29. Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura, Yoichi Yamashita and Noboru Nakasako, ``Multiple-nulls-steering beamformer based on both talker and noise direction-of-arrival estimation,'' Acoustical Science and Technology, Vol.34, No.2, pp.80-88, Mar. 2013.
  30. 中山 雅人, 根木 佑真, 中迫 昇, 篠原 寿広, 上保 徹志, 西浦 敬信, ``帯域分割した時間遅延インパルス音の位相干渉に基づく移動体の距離・速度推定法,'' 電気学会論文誌 C, Vol.132-C, No.11, pp.1774-1775, Nov. 2012.
  31. 中山 雅人, 英 慎平, 中迫 昇, 篠原 寿広, 上保 徹志, ``同期加算とスペクトル減算に基づく雑音環境に頑健な音響測距法,'' 電気学会論文誌 C, Vol.131-C, No.11, pp.1864-1870, Nov. 2011.
  32. Takahiro Fukumori, Takanobu Nishiura, Masato Nakayama, Yuki Denda, Norihide Kitaoka, Takeshi Yamada, Kazumasa Yamamoto, Satoru Tsuge, Masakiyo Fujimoto, Tetsuya Takiguchi, Chiyomi Miyajima, Satoshi Tamura, Tetsuji Ogawa, Shigeki Matsuda, Shingo Kuroiwa, Kazuya Takeda and Satoshi Nakamura, ``CENSREC-4: An Evaluation Framework for Distant-talking Speech Recognition under Reverberant Environments,'' Acoustical Science and Technology, Vol.32, No.5, pp.1828-1834, Sept. 2011.
  33. Masato Nakayama, Shimpei Hanabusa, Tetsuji Uebo and Noboru Nakasako, ``Acoustic distance measurement method based on phase interference using calibration and whitening processing in real environments,'' IEICE Trans. A, Vol.E94-A, No.8, pp.1638-1646, Aug. 2011.
  34. 中山 雅人, 英 慎平, 中迫 昇, 篠原 寿広, 上保 徹志, ``同期減算処理を利用した位相干渉に基づく音響測距法の検討,'' 電子情報通信学会論文誌 A, 研究速報, Vol.J94-A, No.8, pp.676-679, Aug. 2011.
  35. 中山 雅人, 廣畑 和紀, 中迫 昇, ``左右の近距離スピーカを利用した音響測距法に基づく立体音場再現手法,'' 電子情報通信学会論文誌 A, Vol.J94-A, No.5, pp.313-322, May. 2011.
  36. 中山 雅人, 中迫 昇, 篠原 寿広, 上保 徹志, ``可聴音の送信波と反射波の位相干渉に基づく話者位置推定,'' 電気学会論文誌 C, Vol.130-C, No.11, pp.1994-2000, Nov. 2010.
  37. 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, 山下 洋一, ``母音/子音特徴量に基づく適応形マイクロホンアレーを用いた雑音下音声認識,'' 電子情報通信学会論文誌 D, Vol.J92-D, No.9, pp.1568-1578, Sept. 2009.
  38. Norihide Kitaoka, Takeshi Yamada, Satoru Tsuge, Chiyomi Miyajima, Kazumasa Yamamoto, Takanobu Nishiura, Masato Nakayama, Yuki Denda, Masakiyo Fujimoto, Tetsuya Takiguchi, Satoshi Tamura, Shingo Kuroiwa, Kazuya Takeda and Satoshi Nakamura, ``CENSREC-1-C: An evaluation framework for voice activity detection under noisy environments,'' Acoustical Science and Technology, Vol.30, No.5, pp.363-371, Sept. 2009.
  39. 傳田 遊亀, 田中 貴雅, 溝口 遊, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, 山下 洋一, ``話者方位推定を利用した動的時間領域処理に基づく遠隔発話区間検出,'' 電子情報通信学会論文誌 D, Vol.J92-D, No.1, pp.112-122, Jan. 2009.

国際会議 ( International Conference ) 査読制度あり

  1. Sakiko Mishima, Yukoh Wakabayashi, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Investigations on Raw Features in Deep Neural Network for Indoor-environmental Sound Classification,'' INTER-NOISE 2017, pp.XXX-XXX, Hong Kong, China, Aug. 2017. (Accepted)
  2. Shunsuke Yamada, Yukoh Wakabayashi, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Distant-talking Speech Enhancement based on Subspace Method with Optical Microphone Array,'' INTER-NOISE 2017, pp.XXX-XXX, Hong Kong, China, Aug. 2017. (Accepted)
  3. Yoshinori Ogami, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Enhanced Audio Spot based on Multiple Carrier Waves with Extra Parametric Loudspeaker,'' INTER-NOISE 2017, pp.XXX-XXX, Hong Kong, China, Aug. 2017. (Accepted)
  4. Kirara Ariyoshi, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Evaluations on Reproducing Sound Field Control with Film Acoustic-Lens for Parametric Loudspeaker,'' INTER-NOISE 2017, pp.XXX-XXX, Hong Kong, China, Aug. 2017. (Accepted)
  5. Sayaka Okayasu, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Discomfort Reduction of Railway Brake Sound with Lower-energy Auditory Masker,'' INTER-NOISE 2017, pp.XXX-XXX, Hong Kong, China, Aug. 2017. (Accepted)
  6. Yukoh Wakabayashi, Rikuto Ota, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Dereverberation using Denoising Deep Auto Encoder with Harmonic Structure,'' INTER-NOISE 2017, pp.XXX-XXX, Hong Kong, China, Aug. 2017. (Accepted)
  7. Yukoh Wakabayashi, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama, Takanobu NIshiura and Yoichi Yamashita, ``Phase Reconstruction Method Based on Time-frequency Domain Harmonic Structure for Speech Enhancement,'' ICASSP 2017, pp.5560-5564, New Orleans, USA, Mar. 2017.
  8. Taku Yoshimura, Yukoh Wakabayashi, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Sound Localization with Distance Perception Based on Simulated Room Impulse Response Using 16ch Head-enclosed Loudspeaker-array,'' NCSP 2017, pp.421-424, Guam, USA, Feb. 2017.
  9. Kota Nakahashi, Yukoh Wakabayashi, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Surround Sensation Index Based on Variance of ΔS-IACF for Listener Envelopment with Multiple Sound Sources,'' NCSP 2017, pp.425-428, Guam, USA, Feb. 2017.
  10. Masato Nakayama, Ryosuke Konabe, Takahiro Fukumori and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Near-sound-field Propagation Based on Individual Beam-steering for Carrier and Sideband Waves with Parametric Array Loudspeaker,'' IEEE APSIPA ASC 2016, Jeju Island, Korea, Dec. 2016.
  11. Sakiko Mishima, Tomoyuki Mizuno, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Investigation on Suitable Acoustic Features in Deep Neural Network for Environmental Sound Discrimination,'' ICA 2016, Paper-ID: ICA2016-307, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sep. 2016.
  12. Ryosuke Uemura, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``A Study on Near-field Sound Propagation Based on Delay-filtering for Carrier and Sideband Waves Using Curved-type Parametric Loudspeaker,'' ICA 2016, Paper-ID: ICA2016-306, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sep. 2016.
  13. Ryosuke Uemura, Tomoyuki Wada, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Reverberation Design Based on Acoustic Parameters for Reflective Audio-spot System with Parametric and Dynamic Loudspeakers,'' ICA 2016, Paper-ID: ICA2016-310, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sep. 2016.
  14. Aomi Kobayashi, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Control Signal Design for Reducing Discomfort of Infant Cry Based on Mitigation of Time Fluctuation,'' ICA 2016, Paper-ID: ICA2016-314, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sep. 2016.
  15. Sayaka Okayasu, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``An Evaluation of Discomfort Reduction Based on Auditory Masking for Railway Brake Sounds,'' ICA 2016, Paper-ID: ICA2016-308, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sep. 2016.
  16. Shinya Komori, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Three-Dimensional Spatial Sound-image Design Based on Separating Emission with Curved-type Parametric Loudspeaker,'' ICA 2016, Paper-ID: ICA2016-881, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sep. 2016.
  17. Tomoyuki Mizuno, Yokoh Wakabahashi, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Distant-talking Speech Acquisition Using Optical Measurement System Based on Speckle Intensity,'' ICA 2016, Paper-ID: ICA2016-304, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sep. 2016.
  18. Kirara Ariyoshi, Shinya Komori, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``A Control of Maximum Demodulation Distance with Gas Layer for Parametric Loudspeaker,'' ICA 2016, Paper-ID: ICA2016-303, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sep. 2016.
  19. Tomofumi Nakano, Toshihiro Shinohara, Tetsuji Uebo, Noboru Nakasako, Masato Nakayama, ``A TRIAL OF ACOUSTICAL DISTANCE MEASUREMENT BASED ON PHASE INTERFERENCE USING AN ULTRASONIC SOUND,'' ICSV23, Pepar ID:#837, Athens, Greece, Jul. 2016.
  20. Shinya Komori, Ryosuke Uemura, Daisuke Ikefuji, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura, ``AUDIO-SPOT with Flexible Parametric Loudspeaker,'' ICASSP 2016, ST-3.8, Shanghai, China, Mar. 2016.
  21. Aomi Kobayashi, Daisuke Ikefuji, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama, and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Discomfort Reduction Based on Mitigation of Time Fluctuation for Infant Cry,'' NCSP 2016, pp.201-204, Hawaii, USA, Mar. 2016.
  22. Tomoyuki Mizuno, Yukoh Wakabayashi, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama, and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Evaluation of Acoustic Measurement System Based on Intensity Fluctuation of Reflected Laser,'' NCSP 2016, pp.57-60, Hawaii, USA, Mar. 2016.
  23. Sakiko Mishima, Yukoh Wakabayashi, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama, and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Indoor-environmental Sound Discrimination Based on Deep Neural Network with Mel-cepstrum,'' NCSP 2016, pp.21-24, Hawaii, USA, Mar. 2016.
  24. Shinya Komori, Daisuke Ikefuji, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama, and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Localization on Spatial Sound Image with Multiple Parametric Loudspeakers,'' NCSP 2016, pp.117-120, Hawaii, USA, Mar. 2016.
  25. Daisuke Ikefuji, Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura and Yoichi Yamashita, ``Robust sound image localization for moving listener with curved-type parametric loudspeaker,'' APSIPA ASC 2015, Paper ID: 289, pp. 1045-1049, Hong Kong, China, Dec. 2015.
  26. Taku Yoshimura, Yukoh Wakabayashi, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Evaluation of Semi-transaural System Based on Forward-localization Enhancement on Head-related Transfer Functions,'' WESPAC2015, pp.363-368, Singapore, Dec. 2015.
  27. Kota Nakahashi, Yukoh Wakabayashi, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Sound Image Localization Based on Phase Spectral Compensation of Front-back Direction on Head-Related Transfer Functions,'' WESPAC2015, pp.462-466, Singapore, Dec. 2015.
  28. Tomoyuki Mizuno, Yukoh Wakabayashi, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Directional Sound-intensity Measure with an Asymmetric Probe for Three-Dimensional Direction Estimation,'' WESPAC2015, pp.354-359, Singapore, Dec. 2015.
  29. Rikuto Ota, Yukoh Wakabayashi, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Performance Evaluation of Reverberation Time Estimation Based on Energy Attenuation of Reverberant Speech,'' WESPAC2015, pp.422-427, Singapore, Dec. 2015.
  30. Shinya Komori, Daisuke Ikefuji, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Reshaped Audible Area with Flexible Parametric Loudspeaker,'' WESPAC2015, pp.439-444, Singapore, Dec. 2015.
  31. Aomi Kobayashi, Yukoh Wakabayashi, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Lombard Effects Reduction Using Pitch Modification and Resampling,'' WESPAC2015, pp.398-403, Singapore, Dec. 2015.
  32. Sakiko Mishima, Asako Okamoto, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Hazardous Sound Detection Based on Power Envelope and Spectral Ratio Using Multi-Stage Identification,'' WESPAC2015, pp.379-384, Singapore, Dec. 2015.
  33. Ryosuke Uemura, Daisuke Ikefuji, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Sound Pressure Improvement in Audio-spot-design Based on Separating Emission with Double Sideband Modulation,'' WESPAC2015, pp.473-478, Singapore, Dec. 2015.
  34. Rumi Ito, Yoshitaka Ohshio, Daisuke Ikefuji, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Speech Obscuration Based on Auditory Masking for Speech Security Protection,'' WESPAC2015, pp.479-485, Singapore, Dec. 2015.
  35. Daisuke Ikefuji, Tadashi Matsui, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura and Yoichi Yamashita, ``Audio Spot Expansion Based on Separating Emission with Multiple Curverd-type Parametric Loudspeakers,'' WESPAC2015, pp.338-342, Singapore, Dec. 2015.
  36. Yukoh Wakabayashi, Toru Iwasaki, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Fundamental Study on High-Power Type Parametric Loudspeaker Based on Hybrid Modulation of Amplitude-and-Frequency Modulations,'' WESPAC2015, pp.373-378, Singapore, Dec. 2015.
  37. Kota Nakahashi, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``High-realistic acoustic sound field reproduction with 16ch head-enclosed loudspeaker-array for Gion festival music,'' Culture and Computing 2015, pp.197-198, Kyoto, Japan, Oct. 2015.
  38. Taku Yoshimura, Naoki Yoshimoto, Daisuke Ikefuji, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Reproduction of human-phonatory radiation characteristic for continuous speech,'' INTER-NOISE 2015, PaperID:234, San Francisco, USA, Aug. 2015.
  39. Tomoyuki Mizuno, Kohei Hayashida, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Acoustic-based surveillance system based on emergency sound detection with three microphones,'' INTER-NOISE 2015, PaperID:235, San Francisco, USA, Aug. 2015.
  40. Taku Yoshimura, Yuto Konishi, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Sound localization on the median plane based on simulated-binaural room impulse responses,'' INTER-NOISE 2015, PaperID:231, San Francisco, USA, Aug. 2015.
  41. Rumi Ito, Kota Nakano, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Discomfort Reduction Based on Active Noise Control and Auditory Masking for Factory Noise,'' INTER-NOISE 2015, PaperID:283, San Francisco, USA, Aug. 2015.
  42. Yoshitaka Ohshio, Takumi Honda, Daisuke Ikefuji, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Musical Piece Selection for Discomfort Reduction of Dental Treatment Sound Based on Auditory Masking in Time and Frequency Domains,'' INTER-NOISE 2015, PaperID:284, San Francisco, USA, Aug. 2015.
  43. Daisuke Ikefuji, Tadashi Matsui, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Fundamental Study on Active Noise Control with Audio-Spot for Minimum Area Using Parametric Loudspeaker,'' INTER-NOISE 2015, PaperID:497, San Francisco, USA, Aug. 2015.
  44. Yoshitaka Ohshio, Daisuke Ikefuji, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``A Study on Comfortable Sound Design Based on a Single Chord-forming for Dental Treatment Sound,'' INTER-NOISE 2015, PaperID:517, San Francisco, USA, Aug. 2015.
  45. Aomi Kobayashi, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``A Study on Discomfort Reduction Based on Auditory Masking of Multiple Spectral Peaks for Infant Cry,'' INTER-NOISE 2015, PaperID:512, San Francisco, USA, Aug. 2015.
  46. Daisuke Ikefuji, Hideya Tsujii, Shohei Masunaga, Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura and Yoichi Yamashita, ``Reverberation Steering and Listening Area Expansion on 3-D Sound Field Reproduction with Parametric Array Loudspeaker,'' APSIPA ASC 2014, Paper ID: 1147, Siem Reap, Cambodia, Dec. 2014.
  47. Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura, Ryota Okuno and Noboru Nakasako, ``A Study on Acoustic Beam Steering with Parametric Loudspeaker Based on Individual Delay-Filtering for Carrier and Sideband Waves,'' Proc. IEEE APCCAS 2014, pp.447-450, Ishigaki Island, Okinawa, Japan, Nov. 2014.
  48. Noboru NAKASAKO, Yuma NEKI, Masato NAKAYAMA, Toshihiro SHINOHARA and Tetsuji UEBO, ``A trial on calculating the equivalent reflection coefficient by acoustic distance measurement method based on phase interference in the actual sound actual field,'' inter.noise 2014, Paper ID: p982, Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 2014.
  49. Takahiro Fukumori, Makoto Hayakawa, Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura, and Yoichi Yamashita, ``Evaluation of clipping-noise suppression of stationary-noisy speech based on spectral compensation,'' inter.noise 2014, Paper ID: p422, Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 2014.
  50. Tadashi Matsui, Daisuke Ikefuji, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Multiple audio spots design based on separating emission of carrier and sideband waves,'' inter.noise 2014, Paper ID: p420, Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 2014.
  51. Shinya Komori, Daisuke Ikefuji, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Evaluation on flexible beamformers with curved-type parametric loudspeaker for spatial audible area design,'' inter.noise 2014, Paper ID: p423, Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 2014.
  52. Yuki Nagano, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Efficiency evaluation of subspace-based spectral subtraction based on iterative eigenvalue analysis in real environments,'' inter.noise 2014, Paper ID: p417, Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 2014.
  53. Ryosuke Konabe, Tadashi Matsui, Daisuke Ikefuji, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Evaluation of sound pressure improvement in audio spot based on separating emission of carrier and sideband waves with parabolic reflectors,'' inter.noise 2014, Paper ID: p414, Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 2014.
  54. Daisuke Ikefuji, Yuko Suhara, Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura and Yoichi Yamashita, ``A Design of Comfortable Dental Treatment Sound Based on Auditory Masking,'' inter.noise 2014, Paper ID: p421, Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 2014.
  55. Takayuki Furoh, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``A study of degraded-speech identification based on speech features including spectral centroid,'' inter.noise 2014, Paper ID: p424, Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 2014.
  56. Kota Nakano, Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura and Yoichi Yamashita, ``High accuracy calculating model for sound field simulation with DFT-based FDTD on polar-quaternion-based axis towards craft restoration,'' inter.noise 2014, Paper ID: p419, Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 2014.
  57. Yoshitaka Ohshio, Daisuke Ikefuji, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``An evaluation on comfortable sound design of unplesant sounds based on chord-forming with bandlimited sound,'' inter.noise 2014, Paper ID: p415, Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 2014.
  58. Tomoyuki Wada, Daisuke Ikefuji, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``A Study on 3-D Sound Field Localization System Using Parametric Loudspeaker and Indirect Loudspeakers for Reverberation Reproduction,'' inter.noise 2014, Paper ID: p418, Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 2014.
  59. Takahiro Fukumori, Naoto Kakino, Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura, Yoichi Yamashita and Hiroaki Nanjo, ``Shouted speech detection in noisy environments based on rahmonic and mel-frequency cepstrum coefficients,'' 7th Forum Acusticum 2014 (FA2014), Paper ID: R20C_2, Krakow, Poland, Sept. 2014.
  60. Daisuke Ikefuji, Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura and Yoichi Yamashita, ``Fundamental Study of Moving Sound Image Design with Curved-Type Parametric Loudspeaker,'' 7th Forum Acusticum 2014 (FA2014), Paper ID: R05D_3, Krakow, Poland, Sept. 2014.
  61. Kota Nakano, Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura and Yoichi Yamashita, ``A polar-form calculation-model in Minkowski space for sound field simulation with frequency-domain-based FDTD to avoid circularity problem,'' 7th Forum Acusticum 2014 (FA2014), Paper ID: R11E_1, Krakow, Poland, Sept. 2014.
  62. Kohei Hayashida, Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura and Yoichi Yamashita, ``Gaussian Mixture Model Learning for Desired Speech Discrimination Based on Kurtosis of Linear Prediction Residual Signals,'' 7th International KES Conference on Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and Services ( KES IIMSS 2014 ), pp.367-376, Chania, Greece, Jun. 2014.
  63. Kohei Hayashida, Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura, Yoichi Yamashita, Toshiharu Horiuchi and Tsuneo Kato, ``Close/distant talker discrimination based on kurtosis of linear prediction residual signals,'' ICASSP 2014, pp.2346-2350, Florence, Italy, May 2014.
  64. Taiki Minai, Kohei Hayashida, Masato Nakayama, and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Speech Dereverberation with the High Similarity Room Impulse Response,'' Proc. NCSP2014, pp.205-208, Hawaii, USA, Mar. 2014.
  65. Asako Okamoto, Kohei Hayashida, Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura, ``Danger sound detection based on integrated acoustic model with the optimum states,'' Proc. NCSP2014, pp.357-360, Hawaii, USA, Mar. 2014.
  66. Kenji Ikeda, Kohei Hayashida, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Design of the urgent auditory signals based on amplitude and frequency modulations,'' Proc. NCSP2014, pp.113-116, Hawaii, USA, Mar. 2014.
  67. Shohei Masunaga, Daisuke Ikefuji, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Listening Area Expansion of Reflective Audio Spot with Curved-type Parametric Loudspeaker,'' Proc. NCSP2014, pp.425-428, Hawaii, USA, Mar. 2014.
  68. Noboru Nakasako, Tatuya Nishimae, Toshihiro Shinohara, Nobuyuki Yamawaki, Masato Nakayama, and Tetsuji Uebo, ``Fundamental Consideration on 1ch Acoustic Distance Measurement Method Based on Phase Interference by Considering the Movement of Transmitting-and-Receiving System,'' IEEE ISPACS 2013, pp.332-335, Nov. 2013.
  69. Nobuyuki Yamawaki, Noboru Nakasako, Tatuya Nishimae, Toshihiro Shinohara, Masato Nakayama, and Daichi Yoshida, ``A Prototype of BCI-Robot Arm System with 1ch Acoustic Distance Measurement Device,'' IEEE ISPACS 2013, pp.336-339, Nov. 2013.
  70. Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura and Yoichi Yamashita, ``Estimation of speech recognition performance in noisy and reverberant environments using PESQ score and acoustic parameters,'' APSIPA ASC 2013, PapaerID:144, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Oct. 2013.
  71. Kohei Hayashida, Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura and Yoichi Yamashita, ``Suitable spatial resolution at frequency bands based on variances of phase differences for real-time talker localization,'' APSIPA ASC 2013, PapaerID:143, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Oct. 2013.
  72. Daisuke Ikefuji, Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura and Yoichi Yamashita, ``An active unpleasantness control system for indoor noise based on auditory masking,'' APSIPA ASC 2013, PapaerID:130, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Oct. 2013.
  73. Noboru Nakasako, Yuji Koizumi, Toshihiro Shinohara, Masato Nakayama, and Tetsuji Uebo, ``Trial Implementation of Acoustic Distance Measurement Method for Very-close-range Measurement Based on Standing Waves Using Power and Phase Spectra of Single-channel Observations,'' Proc. of the 2013 IEEE 2nd Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2013), pp.112-115, Oct. 2013.
  74. Naoki Yoshimoto, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Evaluation of high-realistic acoustic sound field reproduction method for Gion festival music,'' Culture and Computing 2013, pp.133-134, Kyoto, Sep. 2013.
  75. Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura and Yoichi Yamashita, ``Interactive acoustic sound field reproduction with web system for Gion festival,'' Culture and Computing 2013, pp.135-13, Kyoto, Sep. 2013.
  76. Toshihiro Shinohara, Takuto Shiraishi, Masato Nakayama, Noboru Nakasako, ``Visualization of Vascular Diameter for Diagnostic Assistance of Cerebrovascular Diseases,'' EMBC'13, Paper ID: SaD07.13, Osaka, Japan, Jul. 2013.
  77. Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura, and Yoichi Yamashita, ``Performance estimation of speech recognition based on Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality (PESQ) and acoustic parameters under noisy and reverberant environments with Corpus and Environment for Noisy Speech RECognition 4 (CENSREC-4),'' ICA 2013, PaperID:1aSCb21, Montreal, Canada, Jun. 2013.
  78. Kohei Hayashida, Junpei Ogawa, Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura, and Yoichi Yamashita, ``Multi-stage identification for abnormal/warning sounds detection based on maximum likelihood classification,'' ICA 2013, PaperID:1pSPb4, Montreal, Canada, Jun. 2013.
  79. Naoki Yoshimoto, Kota Nakano, Masato Nakayama, and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Evaluation of human-phonatory radiation characteristics with a polyhedron loudspeaker,'' ICA 2013, PaperID:1pSPc17, Montreal, Canada, Jun. 2013.
  80. Naoto Kakino, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama, and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Experimental study of shout detection with the rahmonic structure,'' ICA 2013, PaperID:1aSCb6, Montreal, Canada, Jun. 2013.
  81. Toru Iwasaki, Daisuke Ikefuji, Masato Nakayama, and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Parametric loudspeaker for speech signal based on the combination of amplitude and frequency modulations,'' ICA 2013, PaperID:1pSPc25, Montreal, Canada, Jun. 2013.
  82. Asako Okamoto, Kohei Hayashida, Masato Nakayama, and Takanobu Nishiura, ``A detection of danger sounds based on variable-state hidden Markov models,'' ICA 2013, PaperID:1pSPc23, Montreal, Canada, Jun. 2013.
  83. Yuko Suhara, Daisuke Ikefuji, Masato Nakayama, and Takanobu Nishiura, ``A design of control signal in reducing discomfort of the dental treatment sound based on auditory masking,'' ICA 2013, PaperID:3pNSc8, Montreal, Canada, Jun. 2013.
  84. Kenji Ikeda, Kota Nakano, Masanori Morise, Masato Nakayama, and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Individual control of singing voice based on cepstrum manipulation,'' ICA 2013, PaperID:4aSCb11, Montreal, Canada, Jun. 2013.
  85. Shohei Masunaga, Daisuke Ikefuji, Masato Nakayama, and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Steering for listening area of reflective audio spot with parametric loudspeaker array,'' ICA 2013, PaperID:1pSPc4, Montreal, Canada, Jun. 2013.
  86. Takayuki Furoh, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama, and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Detection for Lombard speech with second-order mel-frequency cepstral coefficient and spectral envelope in beginning of talking-speech,'' ICA 2013, PaperID:1aSCb8, Montreal, Canada, Jun. 2013.
  87. Makoto Hayakawa, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama, and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Suppression of clipping noise in observed speech based on spectral compensation with Gaussian mixture models and reference of clean speech,'' ICA 2013, PaperID:1aSCb7, Montreal, Canada, Jun. 2013.
  88. Daisuke Ikefuji, Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura, and Yoichi Yamashita, ``An Investigation into the relationship between sound quality and demodulation ratio for parametric loudspeakers,'' ICA 2013, PaperID:2pSP7, Montreal, Canada, Jun. 2013.
  89. Kota Nakano, Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura, Yoichi Yamashita, and Toshiyuki Kimura, ``A polar-coordinate-discretized wave equation finite-difference time-domain simulation for controlling the emission characteristics of sound source,'' ICA 2013, PaperID:2pSP4, Montreal, Canada, Jun. 2013.
  90. Tadashi Matsui, Daisuke Ikefuji, Masato Nakayama, and Takanobu Nishiura, ``A design of audio spot based on separating emission of the carrier and sideband waves,'' ICA 2013, PaperID:1pSPc27, Montreal, Canada, Jun. 2013.
  91. Ryota Miyake, Kohei Hayashida, Masato Nakayama, and Takanobu Nishiura, ``A study on acoustic imaging based on beamformer to range spectra in the phase interference method,'' ICA 2013, PaperID:1pSPc19, Montreal, Canada, Jun. 2013.
  92. Hajime Komatsu, Kota Nakano, Masato Nakayama, and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Investigations into the human pinna shapes on head-related transfer functions in the median plane,'' ICA 2013, PaperID:1pSPc20, Montreal, Canada, Jun. 2013.
  93. Masato Nakayama, Kazuhiro Suzuki, and Noboru Nakasako, ``Acoustic distance measurement based on phase interference using the cross-spectral method with adjacent microphones,'' ICASSP 2013, pp.423-427, Vancouver, Canada, May 2013.
  94. Daisuke Ikefuji, Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura, and Yoichi Yamashita, ``Weighted double sideband modulation toward high quality audible sound on parametric loudspeaker,'' ICASSP 2013, pp.843-847, Vancouver, Canada, May 2013.
  95. Naoki Yoshimoto, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama, and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Evaluation of reproducing high-realistic acoustic sound field based on the radiation characteristics of musical accompaniment for Gion festival,'' Proc. NCSP2013, pp.169-172, Hawaii, USA, Mar. 2013.
  96. Keisuke Horii, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura, and Yoichi Yamashita, ``Musical tone reduction for sound-quality improvement by weighted iterative spectral subtraction in real noisy-environments,'' Proc. NCSP2013, pp.13-16, Hawaii, USA, Mar. 2013.
  97. Daisuke Ikefuji, Sota Kurimoto, Masato Nakayama, and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Auditory Distance Perception with Combination of Parametric and Dynamic Loudspeakers,'' Proc. NCSP2013, pp.532-535, Hawaii, USA, Mar. 2013.
  98. Yuko Suhara, Daisuke Ikefuji, Masato Nakayama, and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Design of comfortable masking sound on auditory masking for the dental treatment sound,'' Proc. NCSP2013, pp.85-88, Hawaii, USA, Mar. 2013.
  99. Yasuhiro Kuratani, Kohei Hayashida, Masato Nakayama, and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Sound source localization based on blind impulse response estimation under heavy-reverberant environments,'' Proc. NCSP2013, pp.524-527, Hawaii, USA, Mar. 2013.
  100. Makoto Hayakawa, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama, and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Clipping ratio estimation for the clipping noise suppression,'' Proc. NCSP2013, pp.241-244, Hawaii, USA, Mar. 2013.
  101. Kohei Hayashida, Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura and Yoichi Yamashita, ``Near Field Sound Source Localization Based on Time Delay and Subspace Separation,'' The 10th IASTED International Conference on SPPRA 2013, pp.377-381, Innsbruck, Austria, Feb. 2013.
  102. Toshihiro Shinohara, Masashi Maekawa, Masato Nakayama and Noboru Nakasako, ``Estimation of Centerline and Diameter of Brain Vessel in 3D Head CTA Image by Using Model Matching Method,'' IFMIA 2012, Paper ID: O4-7 [52], Daejeon, Korea, Nov. 2012.
  103. Masato Nakayama, Yuma Neki, Noboru Nakasako, Tetsuji Uebo and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Acoustic Distance Measurement Method Based on Interference of Speech Presented by a Dialogue System,'' Proc. IEEE ICSPCC2012, Session Code: SP6P.1, Paper ID: 0112, Hong Kong, China, Aug. 2012.
  104. Noboru Nakasako, Keiji Kawanishi, Toshihiro Shinohara, Masato Nakayama and Tetsuji Uebo, ``Acoustic Distance Measurement Method Measurable from 0 m Based on the Interference between Transmitted and Reflected Waves Using Power and Phase Spectra of Single Channel Observations,'' Proc. IEEE ICSPCC2012, Session Code: SP6P.2, Paper ID: 1014, Hong Kong, China, Aug. 2012.
  105. Naoto Kakino, Takahiro Fukumori, Yasuhiro Kuratani, Masanori Morise, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Distant-talking speech enhancement based on spectrum restoring with phoneme labels,'' Proc. the acoustics 2012, Paper Number:4aSP23, Hong Kong, China, May 2012.
  106. Kota Nakano, Masanori Morise, Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura and Yoichi Yamashita, ``A study of array processing in FDTD method to synthesize directional sound for sound field reproduction,'' Proc. the acoustics 2012, Paper Number:4pSP7, Hong Kong, China, May 2012.
  107. Makoto Hayakawa, Masanori Morise, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Restoring Clipped Speech Signal Based on Spectral Transformation of Each Frequency Band,'' Proc. the acoustics 2012, Paper Number:4aSP10, Hong Kong, China, May 2012.
  108. Daisuke Ikefuji, Masanori Morise, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Estimation of Demodulation Ratio for the Parametric Loudspeaker Based on Spectral Envelope,'' Proc. the acoustics 2012, Paper Number:4aSP20, Hong Kong, China, May 2012.
  109. Keisuke Horii, Takahiro Fukumori, Masanori Morise, Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura and Yoichi Yamashita, ``The determination of dynamic subtraction for spectral subtraction towards musical tone reduction,'' Proc. the acoustics 2012, Paper Number:4aSP24, Hong Kong, China, May 2012.
  110. Shohei Masunaga, Masanori Morise, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Harmonic Distortion Measurement for a Parametric Loudspeaker with Logarithmic Time Stretched Pulse,'' Proc. the acoustics 2012, Paper Number:4aSP21, Hong Kong, China, May 2012.
  111. Hideya Tsujii, Masanori Morise, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``The Realistic-Reverberation Sensation in 3-D Acoustic Sound Field Reproduction with Parametric Loudspeakers and Indirect Electrodynamic Loudspeakers,'' Proc. the acoustics 2012, Paper Number:4aSP22, Hong Kong, China, May 2012.
  112. Junpei Ogawa, Kohei Hayashida, Masanori Morise, Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura and Yoichi Yamashita, ``Multi-stage identification for abnormal/warning sounds with onomatopoeia models,'' Proc. the acoustics 2012, Paper Number:4aSP27, Hong Kong, China, May 2012.
  113. Takahiro Fukumori, Masanori Morise, Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura and Yoichi Yamashita, ``An identification of speaker-dependence in reverberant-robust speech recognition,'' Proc. the acoustics 2012, Paper Number:4pSP4, Hong Kong, China, May 2012.
  114. Kohei Hayashida, Masanori Morise, Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura and Yoichi Yamashita, ``Real-time sound source localization based on multi-resolution scanning in frequency domain,'' Proc. the acoustics 2012, Paper Number:4pSP3, Hong Kong, China, May 2012.
  115. Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura, Yoichi Yamashita and Noboru Nakasako, ``Multiple-nulls-steering beamformer based on both talkers and noises localization,'' Proc. inter-noise 2011, PaperID:Mon-P-19, Osaka, Japan, Sept. 2011.
  116. Masato Nakayama, Shimpei Hanabusa, Noboru Nakasako and Tetsuji Uebo, ``Robust Acoustic Distance Measurement Method Based on Interference in Noisy Environments,'' Proc. 2010 10th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies 2010 (ISCIT 2010), pp.176-181, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 2010.
  117. Satoshi Tamura, Chiyomi Miyajima, Norihide Kitaoka, Takeshi Yamada, Satoru Tsuge, Tetsuya Takiguchi, Kazumasa Yamamoto, Takanobu Nishiura, Masato Nakayama, Yuki Denda, Masakiyo Fujimoto, Shigeki Matsuda, Tetsuji Ogawa, Shingo Kuroiwa, Kazuya Takeda and Satoshi Nakamura, ``CENSREC-1-AV: An Audio-visual Corpus for Noisy Bimodal Speech Recognition,'' Proc. 2010 International Conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing (AVSP 2010), WEB proceedings, Kanagawa, Japan, Oct. 2010.
  118. Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura, Yuki Denda, Norihide Kitaoka, Kazumasa Yamamoto, Takeshi Yamada, Satoru Tsuge, Chiyomi Miyajima, Masakiyo Fujimoto, Tetsuya Takiguchi, Satoshi Tamura, Tetsuji Ogawa, Shigeki Matsuda, Shingo Kuroiwa, Kazuya Takeda and Satoshi Nakamura, ``CENSREC-4: Development of Evaluation Framework for Distant-talking Speech Recognition under Reverberant Environments,'' Proc. INTERSPEECH 2008, pp.968-971, Brisbane, Australia, Sep. 2008.
  119. Takanobu Nishiura, Masato Nakayama, Yuki Denda, Norihide Kitaoka, Kazumasa Yamamoto, Takeshi Yamada, Satoru Tsuge, Chiyomi Miyajima, Masakiyo Fujimoto, Tetsuya Takiguchi, Satoshi Tamura, Shingo Kuroiwa, Kazuya Takeda, and Satoshi Nakamura, ``Evaluation Framework for Distant-talking Speech Recognition under Reverberant Environments --- Newest Part of the CENSREC Series ---,'' Proc. LREC 2008, CD-ROM proceedings, Marrakech, Morocco, May 2008.
  120. Norihide Kitaoka, Kazumasa Yamamoto, Tomohiro Kusamizu, Seiichi Nakagawa, Takeshi Yamada, Satoru Tsuge, Chiyomi Miyajima, Takanobu Nishiura, Masato Nakayama, Yuki Denda, Masakiyo Fujimoto, Tetsuya Takiguchi, Satoshi Tamura, Shingo Kuroiwa, Kazuya Takeda and Satoshi Nakamura, ``Development of VAD Evaluation Framework CENSREC-1-C and Investigation of Relationship Between VAD and Speech Recognition Performance,'' Proc. 2007 IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop (ASRU 2007), pp.607-612, Kyoto, Japan, Dec. 2007.
  121. Hiroaki Ishii, Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura and Shinichi Nakagawa, ``A Suggestion of Noise Reduction Wall With Acoustic Fresnel Lens and Active Noise Control System,'' Proc. 2007 International Commission for Acoustics (ICA 2007), CD-ROM proceedings, London, UK, Sep. 2007.
  122. Takanobu Nishiura, Yoshiki Hirano, Yuki Denda and Masato Nakayama, ``A Study of Suitable Reverberation Criteria for Distant-talking Speech Recognition With Room Acoustic Parameters,'' Proc. 2007 International Commission for Acoustics (ICA 2007), CD-ROM proceedings, London, UK, Sep. 2007.
  123. Takanobu Nishiura, Yoshiki Hirano, Yuki Denda and Masato Nakayama, ``Investigations into Early and Late Reflections on Distant-talking Speech Recognition Toward Suitable Reverberation Criteria,'' Proc. INTERSPEECH 2007, pp.1052-1055, Antwerp, Belgium, Aug. 2007.
  124. Yuki Denda, Takamasa Tanaka, Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura and Yoichi Yamashita, ``Noise-Robust Hands-free Voice Activity Detection With Adaptive Zero Crossing Detection using Talker Direction Estimation,'' Proc. INTERSPEECH 2007, pp.222-225, Antwerp, Belgium, Aug. 2007.
  125. Takamasa Tanaka, Yuki Denda, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``A Study of Hands-free Voice Activity Detection based on Weighted CSP Analysis and Zero Crossing Detector,'' Proc. 9th Western Pacific Acoustices Conference (WESPAC IX 2006), PaperID:469, Seoul, Korea, Jun. 2006.
  126. Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura and Yoichi Yamashita, ``Hands-Free Speech Recognition With Average Phoneme-based AMNOR,'' Proc. 9th Western Pacific Acoustices Conference (WESPAC IX 2006), PaperID:343, Seoul, Korea, Jun. 2006.
  127. Masato Nakayama, Yuki Denda, Takanobu Nishiura, Hideki Kawahara and Toshio Irino, ``An Evaluation of In-CAR Speech Enhancement Techniques With Microphone Array Steering,'' Proc. 2004 International Conference on Acoustics (ICA2004), Vol.4, pp.3041-3044, Kyoto, Japan, Apr. 2004.
  128. Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura and Hideki Kawahara, ``Adaptive Beamformer Based on Average Vowel / Consonant Spectrum with Phoneme Identification,'' Proc. 2003 International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC2003), pp.243-246, Kyoto, Japan, Sept. 2003.
  129. Takanobu Nishiura, Masato Nakayama and Satoshi Nakamura, ``An Evaluation of Adaptive Beamformer Based on Average Speech Spectrum for Noisy Speech Recognition,'' Proc. 4th. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME2003), No.3, pp.209-212, Maryland, USA, Jul. 2003.
  130. Takanobu Nishiura, Masato Nakayama and Satoshi Nakamura, ``An Evaluation of Adaptive Beamformer Based on Average Speech Spectrum for Noisy Speech Recognition,'' Proc. 28th. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP2003), No.1, pp.668-671, Hong Kong, Apr. 2003.

国内会議 ( National Conference ) 査読制度あり

  1. 水野 智之, 若林 佑幸, 福森 隆寛, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, ``音響インテンシティに基づく指向性プローブを用いた3次元音源方向推定手法の実環境評価,'' 第28回 回路とシステムワークショップ, Paper ID: 1035, pp.365-370, Hyogo, Aug. 2015.
  2. 伊藤 瑠美, 大塩 祥剛, 生藤 大典, 福森 隆寛, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, ``ANCと聴覚マスキングを用いた工場騒音の不快感低減の性能評価,'' 第28回 回路とシステムワークショップ, Paper ID: 1029, pp.406-411, Hyogo, Aug. 2015.
  3. 中橋 康太, 若林 佑幸, 福森 隆寛, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, ``頭部伝達関数の位相スペクトル補正に基づく前後知覚強調の評価,'' 第28回 回路とシステムワークショップ, Paper ID: 1027, pp.394-399, Hyogo, Aug. 2015.
  4. 吉村 拓, 若林 佑幸, 福森 隆寛, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, ``頭部伝達関数の前方定位強調に基づくセミトランスオーラルシステム,'' 第28回 回路とシステムワークショップ, Paper ID: 1031, pp.400-405, Hyogo, Aug. 2015.
  5. 上村 亮介, 生藤 大典, 福森 隆寛, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, ``極小オーディオスポット形成における音圧改善に向けたDSB変調型分離放射法,'' 第28回 回路とシステムワークショップ, Paper ID: 1026, pp.329-334, Hyogo, Aug. 2015.
  6. 小森 慎也, 生藤 大典, 福森 隆寛, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, ``フレキシブルパラメトリックスピーカによるオーディオスポット形成の評価,'' 第28回 回路とシステムワークショップ, Paper ID: 1018, pp.335-340, Hyogo, Aug. 2015.
  7. 太田 陸斗, 福森 隆寛, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, ``観測音声の後続減衰量に基づく残響時間推定,'' 第28回 回路とシステムワークショップ, Paper ID: 1034, pp.214-219, Hyogo, Aug. 2015.
  8. 生藤 大典, 福森 隆寛, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, 山下 洋一, ``球形パラメトリックスピーカを用いた両耳間音圧差の時間変化に基づく移動音像構築,'' 第28回 回路とシステムワークショップ, Paper ID: 1050, pp.341-346, Hyogo, Aug. 2015.
  9. 若林 佑幸, 井上 昂治, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, 山下 洋一, ``視聴覚統合による音源数推定を利用した多人数会話の話者ダイアライゼーション,'' 第28回 回路とシステムワークショップ, Paper ID: 1048, pp.383-388, Hyogo, Aug. 2015.
  10. 和田 朋之, 生藤 大典, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, ``直接・間接型スピーカを用いた残響再現可能な反射型オーディオスポットシステム,'' 第27回 回路とシステムワークショップ, pp.167-172, Hyogo, Aug. 2014.
  11. 大塩 祥剛, 生藤 大典, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, ``帯域和音付与に基づく不快騒音の快音化に向けた最適帯域幅の検討,'' 第27回 回路とシステムワークショップ, pp.173-178, Hyogo, Aug. 2014.
  12. 生藤 大典, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, 山下 洋一, ``曲面型パラメトリックスピーカを用いた移動音像構築の評価,'' 第27回 回路とシステムワークショップ, pp.330-335, Hyogo, Aug. 2014.
  13. 小辺 亮介, 松井 唯, 生藤 大典, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, ``キャリア波と側帯波の分離放射におけるパラボラ反射型オーディオスポット形成による音圧改善,'' 第27回 回路とシステムワークショップ, pp.357-362, Hyogo, Aug. 2014.
  14. 長野 優貴, 福森 隆寛, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, ``反復固有値解析に基づくサブスペース型スペクトルサブトラクションの検討,'' 第27回 回路とシステムワークショップ, pp.363-368, Hyogo, Aug. 2014.
  15. 林田 亘平, 倉谷 泰弘, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, 山下 洋一, ``ブラインドインパルス応答推定に基づく残響下音源位置推定法における距離推定精度の評価, `` 第26回 回路とシステムワークショップ, pp.138-143, Hyogo, July. 2013.
  16. 生藤 大典, 辻井 秀弥, 益永 翔平, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, 山下 洋一, ``間接動電型スピーカを用いた残響時間制御による全天周ドームにおける音像プラネタリウムの高臨場化, `` 第26回 回路とシステムワークショップ, pp.436-441, Hyogo, July, 2013.
  17. 益永 翔平, 生藤 大典, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, ``パラメトリックスピーカアレーを用いた壁面反射型オーディオスポット領域の拡大, `` 第26回 回路とシステムワークショップ, pp.431-435, Hyogo, July 2013.
  18. 生藤 大典, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, ``スペクトル包絡の相互相関を用いたパラメトリックスピーカの復調度測定,'' 第25回 回路とシステムワークショップ, pp.343-348, Jul. 2012.
  19. 辻井 秀弥, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, ``動電型間接スピーカを用いた残響時間制御に基づく 三次元音場再生システム,'' 第25回 回路とシステムワークショップ, pp.384-389, Jul. 2012.
  20. 益永 翔平, 生藤 大典, 森勢 将雅, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, ``Log-TSPを用いたパラメトリックスピーカの2次高調波歪測定,'' 第25回 回路とシステムワークショップ, pp.349-354, Jul. 2012.

国際会議 ( International Conference ) 査読制度なし

  1. Sakiko Mishima, Hajime Komatsu, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Personalization of Head-related Transfer Functions in the Median Plane Based on Spectral Correction with Pinna Angle,'' the 5th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical Society of Japan, Hawaii, USA, Nov. 2016.
  2. Tomoyuki Mizuno, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``An Evaluation of Speech Reconstruction for Degraded Speech of Optical Microphone with Deep Neural Network,'' the 5th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical Society of Japan, Hawaii, USA, Nov. 2016.
  3. Shinya Komori, Nana Hasegawa, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Stereophonic Reproduction Based on Multi-beam-forming with Curved-type Parametric Array Loudspeaker,'' the 5th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical Society of Japan, Hawaii, USA, Nov. 2016.
  4. Yukoh Wakabayashi, Yuki Nagano, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Iterative Spectral Subtraction Based on Variable Frame Processing for Musical Noise Reduction,'' the 5th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical Society of Japan, Hawaii, USA, Nov. 2016.
  5. Kirara Ariyoshi, Takuya Kimura, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Sound Quality Improvement Based on Weighted AM/FM Modulations for Parametric Loudspeaker,'' the 5th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical Society of Japan, Hawaii, USA, Nov. 2016.
  6. Zhuan Zuo, Taku Yoshimura, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Head-related Transfer Function Personalization Based on Spectral Notch Estimation with Stereo Images of Pinna,'' the 5th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical Society of Japan, Hawaii, USA, Nov. 2016.
  7. Sayaka Okayasu, Maiko Yoshiura, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``MRI Noise Suppression Using Weighted Spectral Subtraction Based on Noise Estimation with Long-and-short Terms,'' the 5th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical Society of Japan, Hawaii, USA, Nov. 2016.
  8. Rumi Ito, Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``An Evaluation on Voice Intelligibility for Factory Noise Reduction Based on Integration of Active Noise Control and Auditory Masking,'' the 5th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical Society of Japan, Hawaii, USA, Nov. 2016.
  9. Takahiro Fukumori, Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura and Hiroaki Nanjo, ``Shouted Speech Detection Using Hidden Markov Model with Rahmonic and Mel-frequency Cepstrum Coefficients,'' the 5th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical Society of Japan, Hawaii, USA, Nov. 2016.
  10. Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura and Yoichi Yamashita, ``A Design of Fast Steering Filters Based on the Adaptive Fusion of Predesigned Finite Impulse Response Filters for Microphone Array,'' Proc. 4th Joint Meeting of the ASA and the ASJ, p.3210, Hawaii, USA, Nov. 2006.
  11. Takamasa Tanaka, Yuki Denda, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``An Evaluation of Hands-free Voice Activity Detection Algorithm based on Weighted CSP Analysis and Zero Crossing Detector,'' Proc. 4th Joint Meeting of the ASA and the ASJ, p.3040, Hawaii, USA, Nov. 2006.
  12. Yoshiki Hirano, Yuki Denda, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``An investigation of early reflection signal based on impulse response on automatic speech recognition,'' Proc. 4th Joint Meeting of the ASA and the ASJ, p.3042, Hawaii, USA, Nov. 2006.
  13. Keiichiro Yamada, Yuki Denda, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``A design of virtual sound field simulator based on acoustic ray tracing and wall impedance,'' Proc. 4th Joint Meeting of the ASA and the ASJ, p.3213, Hawaii, USA, Nov. 2006.
  14. Keitaro Kuroda, Yuki Denda, Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Acoustic sound field simulator based on head-related transfer function and 3-dimentional mirror-image,'' Proc. 4th Joint Meeting of the ASA and the ASJ, p.3214, Hawaii, USA, Nov. 2006.
  15. Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura and Hideki Kawahara, ``Adaptive Beamformer Based on Average Vowels/Consonant Spectrum Weights for Noisy Speech Recognition,'' Proc. First Pan-American/Iberian Meeting on Acoustics (Joint Meeting ASA/FIA/IMA), p.2323, Cancun, Mexico, Dec. 2002.

研究会 ( Technical Report )、大会講演 ( Domestic Conference ) 査読制度なし



  1. Masato Nakayama and Takanobu Nishiura, ``Three-dimensional Sound Field Reproduction Based on Spatial Fusion of Carrier and Sideband Waves with Parametric Array Loudspeaker,'' the 5th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical Society of Japan, Hawaii, USA, Nov. 2016. (Invited lecture)
  2. Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura and Noboru Nakasako, ``Acoustic Distance Measurement Based on Phase Interference between Transmitted and Reflected Waves,'' the 5th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical Society of Japan, Hawaii, USA, Nov. 2016. (Invited lecture)


  1. 中山 雅人, ``複数送受音素子を用いた位相干渉に基づく音響イメージングによるロボットセンサの開発,'' サウンド第28号,pp.16-19, Jan. 2013.

受賞 ( Award )

  1. 平成29年 日本音響学会第15回(2017年春季研究発表会)学生優秀発表賞(共著)
  2. 平成29年 電気関係学会関西連合大会 奨励賞(共著)
  3. 平成29年 電気関係学会関西連合大会 奨励賞(共著)
  4. 平成28年 電子情報通信学会信号処理研究会 平成27年度信号処理若手奨励賞(共著)
  5. 平成28年 電子情報通信学会 第28回回路とシステムワークショップ奨励賞(共著)
  6. 平成28年 日本音響学会第12回(2015年秋季研究発表会)学生優秀発表賞(共著)
  7. 平成28年 電子情報通信学会関西支部長賞 学生会奨励賞(共著)
  8. 平成27年 日本音響学会関西支部優秀奨励賞(共著)
  9. 平成27年 日本音響学会関西支部奨励賞(共著)
  10. 平成27年 日本音響学会第11回(2015年春季研究発表会)学生優秀発表賞(共著)
  11. 平成27年 日本音響学会第11回(2015年春季研究発表会)学生優秀発表賞(共著)
  12. 平成27年 電気関係学会関西連合大会 奨励賞(共著)
  13. 平成27年 電気関係学会関西連合大会 奨励賞(共著)
  14. 平成27年 電気関係学会関西連合大会 奨励賞(共著)
  15. 平成26年 電子情報通信学会論文誌D 学生論文特集秀逸論文認定(共著)
  16. 平成26年 電子情報通信学会 ISS特別企画「学生ポスターセッション」 優秀ポスター賞(共著)
  17. 平成26年 電子情報通信学会 ISS特別企画「学生ポスターセッション」 優秀ポスター賞(共著)
  18. 平成26年 日本音響学会関西支部 若手優秀賞(共著)
  19. 平成26年 日本音響学会関西支部 若手奨励賞(共著)
  20. 平成26年 日本音響学会第9回(2014年春季研究発表会)学生優秀発表賞(共著)
  21. 平成25年 電子情報通信学会/日本音響学会 音声研究会学生ポスター賞(共著)
  22. 平成25年 日本音響学会関西支部 若手奨励賞(共著)
  23. 平成24年 電子情報通信学会関西支部長賞 学生会奨励賞(共著)
  24. 平成24年 電気関係学会関西連合大会 連合大会奨励賞(共著)
  25. 平成24年 日本音響学会関西支部 第15回若手研究者交流研究発表会 奨励賞(共著)
  26. 平成24年 日本音響学会関西支部 第15回若手研究者交流研究発表会 奨励賞(共著)
  27. 平成24年 日本音響学会関西支部 第15回若手研究者交流研究発表会 奨励賞(共著)
  28. 平成24年 日本音響学会 第6回(2012年秋季研究発表会)学生優秀発表賞(共著)
  29. 平成23年 電気関係学会関西連合大会 連合大会奨励賞(共著)
  30. 平成18年 日米音響学会ジョイントミーティング 若手研究者参加費助成プログラム

特許 ( Patent )

  1. 特願2016-031263, ``自動焦点型パラメトリックスピーカ,'' Feb. 2016
  2. 特願2015-215898, ``近傍再生型パラメトリックスピーカ,'' Nov. 2015
  3. 特願2013-168872, ``画像処理システム,'' Aug. 2013.
  4. 特願2013-197599, ``フレキシブルパラメトリックスピーカ,'' Sep. 2013.
  5. 特願2007-178552, 特開2009-13710 ``防音装置,'' Sep. 2007.
Last modified: "2017.06.27 Masato NAKAYAMA"