著書 ( Book )
学術論文 ( Journal Paper )
[1] Peng Chen, Binh Thien Nguyen, Yuting Geng, Kenta Iwai and Takanobu Nishiura, "Joint Deep Neural Network for Single-channel Speech Separation on Masking-based Training Targets," IEEE Access, Vol. ××, pp. ××-××, DOI: ××, ××. 2024.(Accepted) [2] Peng Chen, Binh Thien Nguyen, Kenta Iwai and Takanobu Nishiura, "Threshold-based Combination of Ideal Binary Mask and Ideal Ratio Mask for Single-channel Speech Separation," Information, Vol. 15, No. 10, DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/info15100608, Oct. 2024. [3] Yuting Geng, Makoto Shimokata, Masato Nakayama, Takanobu Nishiura, "Visualization of Demodulated Sound Based on Sequential Acoustic Ray Tracing with Self-demodulation in Parametric Array Loudspeakers," Applied Sciences, Vol. 14, No. 12, DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/app14125241, Jun. 2024.
国際会議 ( International Conference )
[1] Kenta Iwai, Takanobu Nishiura, "Performance Evaluation of Acoustic Echo and Noise Canceller with Variable-Step-Size Shared-Error NLMS Algorithm under Double-Talk Conditions," APSIPA ASC 2024, pp. ××-××, Macau, China, Dec. 2024.(Accepted) [2] Yoto Ikezaki, Yuting Geng, Masato Nakayama, and Takanobu Nishiura, "Virtual multi-boosted amplitude modulation toward high-pressure audible sound with parametric array loudspeakers," APSIPA ASC 2024, pp. ××-××, Macau, China, Dec. 2024.(Accepted) [3] Hayata Nakano, Yuting Geng, Kenta Iwai, and Takanobu Nishiura, "Sound Quality Improvement in Visual Microphone by Emphasizing Focused Area Based on Focal Rate," APSIPA ASC 2024, pp. ××-××, Macau, China, Dec. 2024.(Accepted) [4] Ryota Imanaka, Yuting Geng, Masato Nakayama, and Takanobu Nishiura, "Augmented sound-image perception using pre-virtual-leading ultrasounds based on precedence effect," APSIPA ASC 2024, pp. ××-××, Macau, China, Dec. 2024.(Accepted) [5] Yuki Nakano, Yuting Geng, Kenta Iwai, and Takanobu Nishiura, "Deep-Learning-Based Speech Enhancement with Rough-Focused Optical Laser Microphone by Reconstructing Complex Spectrum," APSIPA ASC 2024, pp. ××-××, Macau, China, Dec. 2024.(Accepted) [6] Mizuki Iwagami, Yuting Geng, Masato Nakayama, and Takanobu Nishiura, "Speech-Leakage Reduction for Pin-Spot Audio Based on Multiple Sideband Waves Using Comb Filters," IEEE 13th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, pp. ××-××, Kokura, Japan, Oct. and Nov. 2024.(Accepted) [7] Subaru Kato, Kenta Iwai, Takanobu Nishiura, and Yoshiharu Soeta, "Construction Method of Acoustic Metadata on an Object-Based Audio Utilizing Coordinate Estimation of a Moving Sound Source," IEEE 13th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, pp. ××-××, Kokura, Japan, Oct. and Nov. 2024.(Accepted) [8] Maoto Mizutani, Kenta Iwai, Takanobu Nishiura, and Yoshiharu Soeta, "Reduction of Noise in Reverberant Environments of Multichannel Feedforward Active Noise Control System With Optical Laser Microphone," IEEE 13th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, pp. ××-××, Kokura, Japan, Oct. and Nov. 2024.(Accepted) [9] Mizuki Iwagami, Ayano Hirose, Yuting Geng, Masato Nakayama, and Takanobu Nishiura, "Virtual sound source construction based on adaptive crossfade processing with electro-dynamic and parametric loudspeaker arrays," INTER-NOISE 2024, Paper ID: 3469, Nantes, France, Aug. 2024. [10] Yuki Nakano, Kazumichi Miyazato, Yuting Geng, Kenta Iwai, and Takanobu Nishiura, "Deep-learning-based speech enhancement under rough-focus condition in optical laser microphone," INTER-NOISE 2024, Paper ID: 3468, Nantes, France, Aug. 2024. [11] Maoto Mizutani, Kenta Iwai, Takanobu Nishiura, and Yoshiharu Soeta, "Analysis of nonminimum phase components of noise control filters in active noise control," INTER-NOISE 2024, Paper ID: 3471, Nantes, France, Aug. 2024. [12] Takuya Hayashi, Daisuke Yamaguchi, Toru Takahashi, Takanobu Nishiura, and Masato Nakayama, "Comfortable sound design based on auditory masking with chord progression and melody generations using automatic composition," INTER-NOISE 2024, Paper ID: 3779, Nantes, France, Aug. 2024. [13] Nguyen Binh Thien, Yukoh Wakabayasshi, Kenta Iwai, and Takanobu Nishiura, "INTER-FREQUENCY PHASE DIFFERENCE FOR PHASE RECONSTRUCTION USING DEEP NEURAL NETWORKS AND MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD," ICASSP 2024, pp. SLP-P37.2, Seoul, Korea, Apr. 2024.
[1]西浦 敬信, "光レーザーマイクロホンを用いた遠方目的音の抽出と復元," 光アライアンス, Vol. 35, No. 8, pp. 6-9, Aug. 2024.
研究会 ( Technical Report )
大会講演 ( Domestic Conference )
[1]岩居 健太, 西浦 敬信, " Shared-error NLMS アルゴリズムによる音響エコー雑音キャンセラの可変ステップサイズ調整法とそのダブルトーク環境下における性能評価," 日本音響学会2024年秋季研究発表会, pp. 187-190, Osaka, Sep. 2024. [2]中野 隼汰, 耿 毓庭, 岩居 健太, 西浦 敬信, "ビジュアルマイクロホンにおける合焦領域の選別による音質改善," 日本音響学会2024年秋季研究発表会, pp. 295-298, Osaka, Sep. 2024. [3]今中 崚太, 耿 毓庭, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, "長時間超音波プリバーチャルリード信号による音像定位強調," 日本音響学会2024年秋季研究発表会, pp. 837-840, Osaka, Sep. 2024. [4]岩上 瑞希, 耿 毓庭, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, "極小領域オーディオスポットにおける側帯波分割に基づく音声漏洩の評価," 日本音響学会2024年秋季研究発表会, pp. 213-216, Osaka, Sep. 2024. [5]中野 裕貴, 耿 毓庭, 岩居 健太, 西浦 敬信, "光レーザマイクロホンを用いたラフピント収録音声の深層複素畳み込み再帰型ネットワークに基づく音声強調の評価," 日本音響学会2024年秋季研究発表会, pp. 201-204, Osaka, Sep. 2024. [6]水谷 真絃, 岩居 健太, 西浦 敬信, 添田 喜治, "光レーザマイクロホンを用いたマルチチャネルフィードフォワードアクティブノイズコントロールシステムの実環境下における騒音低減性能の実機評価," 日本音響学会2024年秋季研究発表会, pp. 365-368, Osaka, Sep. 2024. [7]山崎 展博, 井上 達哉, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, "風洞試験における自由せん断層内の流速分布に基づく音波の移流量推定," 日本音響学会2024年秋季研究発表会, pp. 457-460, Osaka, Sep. 2024. [8]山崎 展博, 光用 剛, 中山 雅人, 西浦 敬信, 若林 雄介, "沿線観測点におけるパンタグラフ空力音の音源寄与度推定手法," 日本音響学会2024年秋季研究発表会, pp. 469-472, Osaka, Sep. 2024. [9]林 拓哉, 高橋 徹, 西浦 敬信, 中山 雅人, "メロディとコード進行の自動生成を用いた聴覚マスキングに基づく歯科治療音の快音化," 日本音響学会2024年秋季研究発表会, pp. 817-818, Osaka, Sep. 2024. [10]西浦 敬信, "【招待講演】ピンスポットオーディオ 〜音のスポット再生・集音を目指して〜 ," 精密工学会2024年度関西地方定期学術講演会, Osaka, Jun. 2024.
特許( Patent )
受賞 ( Award )
更新日 令和 6年 10月 8日